I Patrick S Grier
Non-Executive Director
Ramsay Health Care
Pat Grier has been employed as an executive in the private health care industry for more than 25 years. In June 2008, he retired as Chief Executive Officer of Ramsay Health Care Limited after joining the Company in 1988 and serving at the helm since 1994. During this time, he oversaw the successful float of Ramsay Health Care Limited on the Australian Stock Exchange in 1997 and growth in annual revenues from approximately $200 million to more than $3 billion (2008 financial year). He oversaw a series of successful transforming acquisitions which saw Ramsay Health Care Limited grow to become one of Australia’s most respected and largest private hospital operators. Prior to joining Ramsay, he was a Hospital CEO with Hospital Corporation Australia. He has served as both President and Chairman of the Australian Private Hospitals Association for over 10 years and sits on a number of industry committees. He has been one of the main architects of the balanced health care system in Australia and for his contribution to the health care sector was awarded the Order of Australia. Mr Grier served as an Executive Director on the Ramsay Health Care Board for 12 years and from 1 July 2008 continues as a non-executive Director. Mr Grier was a member of the Skin Cancer Network Advisory Board. He was previously Chairman of the Opal Health Care. In addition to Ramsay Health Care Limited, during the last three years Mr Grier has also served as a director of the following listed companies: Estia Health Limited (Appointed November 2014) Prime Media Group Limited (Retired November 2014)
Research Interest
Health Care