Vivienne Lewis
SE Transplantation and Surgery Clinic
Vivienne Lewis is a Clinical Psychologist, specialising in the area of body image and eating disorders both in her clinical practice and in her research at the University of Canberra, Australia. She is the author of “Positive Bodies: Loving The Skin You’re In” a self-help book for people, including both men and women, with body image issues. She also recently released a guide for health profressionals working with people with body image issues and eating disorders called ‘No Body’s Perfect’. Both of these books are published through Australian Academic Press. She is actively involved with many government eating disorder and body image services promoting the celerbation of body acceptance and diversity. She is a Committee Member for the professional body, the Australian Psychological Society College of Clinical Psychologists Vivienne Lewis is a Clinical Psychologist, specialising in the area of body image and eating disorders both in her clinical practice and in her research at the University of Canberra, Australia. She is the author of “Positive Bodies: Loving The Skin You’re In” a self-help book for people, including both men and women, with body image issues. She also recently released a guide for health profressionals working with people with body image issues and eating disorders called ‘No Body’s Perfect’. Both of these books are published through Australian Academic Press. She is actively involved with many government eating disorder and body image services promoting the celerbation of body acceptance and diversity. She is a Committee Member for the professional body, the Australian Psychological Society College of Clinical Psychologists
Research Interest
Eating disorder,Psychologists