Jean Canil
Business School
University of Adelaide
Jean lectures advanced corporate finance at under- and postgraduate, as well as Honours levels. She has published extensively in both Australian and international journals. She also has presented several papers at international conferences and at research seminars at other universities. Jean is also active professionally. She is a principal lecturer for Finsia and a Council member for the South Australian division. Jean also has consulting experience in the field of corporate finance. Jean came to the university from the South Australian State Treasury. Jean lectures advanced corporate finance at under- and postgraduate, as well as Honours levels. She has published extensively in both Australian and international journals. She also has presented several papers at international conferences and at research seminars at other universities. Jean is also active professionally. She is a principal lecturer for Finsia and a Council member for the South Australian division. Jean also has consulting experience in the field of corporate finance. Jean came to the university from the South Australian State Treasury.
Research Interest
Jean's research in Corporate Finance is essentially applied, although some theoretical contributions have been made. Areas of interest include executive compensation, risk management, corporate diversification, capital structure, dividend policy, toehold strategies with respect to corporate acquisitions, measuring firm growth opportunities and real options.