
Mathematics Experts

Thomas Leistner

Senior Lecturer
Mathematical Sciences
University of Adelaide


I am a Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics. I did my PhD at Humboldt-University Berlin, held postdoc positions at Berlin and Adelaide, and worked as a Assistant Professor at the University of Hamburg before joining the University of Adelaide. My research lies in differential geometry, which is an area of pure mathematics that deals with curved spaces (and space-times) and has applications in mathematical physics, in particular in general relativity and string theory. I am a Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics. I did my PhD at Humboldt-University Berlin, held postdoc positions at Berlin and Adelaide, and worked as a Assistant Professor at the University of Hamburg before joining the University of Adelaide. My research lies in differential geometry, which is an area of pure mathematics that deals with curved spaces (and space-times) and has applications in mathematical physics, in particular in general relativity and string theory.

Research Interest

My research lies in differential geometry where I study curved spaces (and space-times), their geometric properties, their symmetries and their relation to interesting differential equations. My research so far has focussed on Lorentzian geometry, conformal geometry and holonomy groups. Some of my research has applications in mathematical physics, in particular in general relativity and string theory.


  • Leistner, T. & Lischewski, A. (2017). The ambient obstruction tensor and conformal holonomy. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 290, 2, 403-436.

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