
Healthcare Experts

Dr Grace Vincent

Health, Medical and Applied Sciences
The University of Queensland


I completed my Honours degree in Exercise Science and Physiology in 2010 at the University of Auckland, and a PhD at Deakin University in 2015. My PhD research explored the interplay between firefighters’ sleep, physical activity, and physical task performance during multi-day wildfire suppression. I have experience conducting both laboratory and longitudinal field studies, in collaboration with a variety of industry partners in fire and emergency services, telecommunications, and healthcare. I have worked as a researcher at Central Queensland University, Washington State University, Monash University, Deakin University, and the University of Auckland. I am currently a Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Appleton Institute for Behavioural Sciences in Adelaide, Australia. My research interests include sleep, exercise science, and human physiology. I am a passionate teacher and strongly believe that important research is of little value if its lessons are not communicated. I enjoy supervising students and are happy to speak to any prospective honours, masters or PhD students about projects we may have on offer. As part of the ‘Operational Readiness Team’ at Central Queensland University, I am currently investigating the impact of ‘on-call’ work on sleep, stress, and next day performance.

Research Interest

Medical and Applied Sciences

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