Deepak Dubal
University of Adelaide
In March 2017, Dr Dubal joined the School of Chemical Engineering of the University of Adelaide (UoA) as a University Research Fellow (Vice Chancellor's Fellow). He is previous recipient of two most prestigious fellowships: Marie-Curie (BP-DGR Program) at ICN2, Spain and Alexander von Humboldt at TUC, Germany. Dr. Dubal has co-authored more than 130 research articles including Chem. Soc. Rev., Nano Energy, 2D Materials, NPG Asia Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, ChemSusChem etc. and achieved over 4480 citations, 'h' index: 38 and 'i10' index 81 (Google Scholar). He has edited one book, contributed several book chapters and filed seven patents including five Indian, one European and one Spanish. His research interest is focused on development of advanced functional materials and nanocomposites, new oxides, polyoxometalates, and polymers for energy storage devices with special emphasis on Li-ion batteries, Supercapacitors, Electrochemical Flow Cells, Li-ion capacitor. He is a member of the Editorial board of Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group and Electrochemical Energy Technology from De Gruyder publications, Germany. Currently, he is working with Prof. Shizhang Qiao (Chair of Nanotechnology) on the development of functional nanoporous carbons and their hybrids for energy-related applications as well as supervising PhD and B.Sc (Hon) students.
Research Interest
Medicine,Medical Education,Research,etc