
Biomedical Sciences Experts


Biomedical sciences
University of Canberra


Adding quality to urban environments -15 years ago Gregor developed a genuine curiosity to figure out what makes people feel cosy or "homely" in different environments around the globe. Gregor is fascinated by the complexity of cities and people which life in them. At the same time he is concerned that the urban environments we have created from the second half of 20th century may struggle in future to provide healthy spaces for its people. Based on his studies of urban planning at the Technical University in Berlin and can draw on experience in practice living through several different socio – political systems that formed and shaped the built environment in various forms. Growing up in East Germany, studying art in the US and working as an urban planner/ designer across Europe, USA, Latin America, Asia and Australia shaped my thinking. Gregor believes that the environments we create can ultimately influence and determine how we behave and interact in them and by having an integrated, efficient and holistic approach can ensure many generations to come have healthy and "homely" places to live fulfilling lives.  Adding quality to urban environments -15 years ago Gregor developed a genuine curiosity to figure out what makes people feel cosy or "homely" in different environments around the globe. Gregor is fascinated by the complexity of cities and people which life in them. At the same time he is concerned that the urban environments we have created from the second half of 20th century may struggle in future to provide healthy spaces for its people. Based on his studies of urban planning at the Technical University in Berlin and can draw on experience in practice living through several different socio – political systems that formed and shaped the built environment in various forms. Growing up in East Germany, studying art in the US and working as an urban planner/ designer across Europe, USA, Latin America, Asia and Australia shaped my thinking. Gregor believes that the environments we create can ultimately influence and determine how we behave and interact in them and by having an integrated, efficient and holistic approach can ensure many generations to come have healthy and "homely" places to live fulfilling lives. 

Research Interest

* Culture and art of healthy environments; * Urban design and planning for health and well-being in an international context; * Active mobility (walking, cycling, and other forms of Eco-Mobility); * Child friendly environments; * Play; * Behaviour and transformative change; * Environmental Psychology.

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