Mr Bruce Arnold
University of Canberra
Bruce's research centres on national and international regulation of health and other technologies, reflected in membership of the OECD Health Information Working Party (the only southern hemisphere person on the high level working party developing global protocols for health data creation and handling), publications that have been recognised as authoritative in relation to analysis of law, technology and social practice, UC early career researcher and teaching awards. Bruce's research centres on national and international regulation of health and other technologies, reflected in membership of the OECD Health Information Working Party (the only southern hemisphere person on the high level working party developing global protocols for health data creation and handling), publications that have been recognised as authoritative in relation to analysis of law, technology and social practice, UC early career researcher and teaching awards.
Research Interest
Health and wellbeing throughout the lifespan; Biomedical discovery for disease prevention and treatment; Healthcare systems and health services research; Technology for improved health and well-being.