
Biomedical Sciences Experts

Mr Vincent L

Research Officer — GIS & Spatial Analysis
University of Canberra


As an early career researcher Vincent's expertise lies in understanding the influence of the urban environment on human health.  He has worked internationally both in technical and consulting capacities applying Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to urban planning, transportation and public health data. Vincent has experience in the preparation and development of a range of spatial data for statistical modelling including parcel level land use data, transportation networks and physical activity data. He has worked on a range of large scale research projects involving academic, private and government stakeholders and contributed to peer-reviewed publications, research tools and surveys. Vincent is currently involved in two major studies; the National Liveability Study, funded through the Australian Prevention Partnership Centre (TAPPC) which aims to develop and validate a national set of spatially derived built environment liveability indicators related to non-communicable disease risk behaviours and health outcomes. The second study, funded by ACT Health focuses on the spatial analysis of hospital separations to study the influence of local neighbourhood characteristics on the burden of non-communicable diseases. services research. As an early career researcher Vincent's expertise lies in understanding the influence of the urban environment on human health.  He has worked internationally both in technical and consulting capacities applying Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to urban planning, transportation and public health data. Vincent has experience in the preparation and development of a range of spatial data for statistical modelling including parcel level land use data, transportation networks and physical activity data. He has worked on a range of large scale research projects involving academic, private and government stakeholders and contributed to peer-reviewed publications, research tools and surveys. Vincent is currently involved in two major studies; the National Liveability Study, funded through the Australian Prevention Partnership Centre (TAPPC) which aims to develop and validate a national set of spatially derived built environment liveability indicators related to non-communicable disease risk behaviours and health outcomes. The second study, funded by ACT Health focuses on the spatial analysis of hospital separations to study the influence of local neighbourhood characteristics on the burden of non-communicable diseases. services research.

Research Interest

Research that promotes healthy and sustainable communities with a focus on relationships between public health, urban planning and transportation Using spatial methods, tools and analysis to enhance evidence-based decision making in public health and more recently primary health care


  • Giles-Corti B, Badland H, Mavoa S, Turrell G, Bull F, Boruff B, Pettit C, Bauman A, Hooper P, Villanueva K, Astell-Burt T, Feng X, Learnihan V, Davey R, Grenfell R, Thackway S. (2014). “Reconnecting urban planning with health: a protocol for the development and validation of national liveability indicators associated with noncommunicable disease risk behaviours and health outcomes” Public Health Res Pract. 25(1):e2511405 doi: 10.17061/phrp2511405

  • Mazumdar S, Learnihan V, Cochrane T, Phung H, O'Connor B, Davey R. (2016) “Is Walk Score associated with hospital admissions from chronic diseases? Evidence from a cross-sectional study in a high socioeconomic status Australian city-state” BMJ Open 2016;6:e012548. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012548

  • Mazumdar S, Learnihan V, Cochrane T, Davey R. “The Built Environment and Social Capital: A Systematic Review” Environment and Behavior” Prepublished Jan 31, 2017 doi:10.1177/0013916516687343

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