
Medical Sciences Experts

Adam Gorman

Sport and Exercise Sciences
University of Sunshine Coast


"Adam is a lecturer in motor control and learning at the University of the Sunshine Coast. He has over a decade of experience working in the field of teaching and motor learning. Adam worked for 10 years as a skill acquisition specialist at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS). He worked with a range of sports at the AIS including basketball, swimming, volleyball, water polo, netball, athletics, and rowing. His primary role was to work with coaches, athletes, and sports scientists to maximise the learning and performance of perceptual and motor skills. Adam also worked for four years as a physical education teacher in Australian and British secondary schools. He taught across a range of age levels and has experience in designing and implementing a whole school curriculum in physical education. The primary emphasis for his research has been in the area of expertise. Areas such as perceptual training, pattern perception, and decision-making have been prominent topics in Adam’s research background. His other research interests include attentional focus, task simplification, and representative learning design for enhancing the learning of motor skills. Adam is currently supervising several postgraduate students who are working on a range of different projects. There are likely to be further research opportunities made available in the near future, many of which may offer scholarships, so any interested students should continue to check the research scholarships notice board on the USC website, or contact Adam directly for further details."

Research Interest

"Perceptual expertise, Attentional focus, Representative learning design, Task simplification, Decision-making Equipment scaling"


  • Gorman AD, Abernethy B, Farrow D. Evidence of different underlying processes in pattern recall and decision-making. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 2015 Sep 2;68(9):1813-31.

  • Gorman AD, Abernethy B, Farrow D. Reduced attentional focus and the influence on expert anticipatory perception. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 2017 Oct 16:1-1.

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