
Healthcare Experts


Public Health
University of Sydney


Armando Teixeira-Pinto got his Phd in Biostatistics in 2007, from Harvard University (USA). He worked as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto (Portugal) until 2012. Recently, he joined the School of Public Health of the University of Sydney and he is part of the research team of the NHMRC Program Grant ?Screening and Diagnostic Test Evaluation Program (STEP) Armando Teixeira-Pinto got his Phd in Biostatistics in 2007, from Harvard University (USA). He worked as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto (Portugal) until 2012. Recently, he joined the School of Public Health of the University of Sydney and he is part of the research team of the NHMRC Program Grant ?Screening and Diagnostic Test Evaluation Program (STEP)

Research Interest

A/Prof Teixeira-Pinto's methodological research has focused on the development of multivariate statistical methods for the analysis of multiple outcomes. In particular, methods for jointly modelling outcomes measured on different scales (non-commensurate outcomes), methods for pooling information for decision-making in situations of multivariate outcomes and methods for variable selection in multivariate regression setting. His other interests includes, risk models, longitudinal data and meta-analysis methods for diagnostic testing. Along with his methodological work, Dr. Teixeira-Pinto has an extensive record of collaborative research in projects of clinical, epidemiological and health services research. The major areas of application include psychology, intensive care, anaesthesiology, neurology, nephrology, paediatrics, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and neglected tropical diseases.

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