Dwight Assenheimer
Department of health
University of Tasmania
Before joining the University of Tasmania, Dr Assenheimer held lectureship positions at the Endeavour College [Melbourne] where he coordinated the implementation of pathology teaching for complementary medicine professionals. He also supported the delivery of the pathology program for TCM students at Victoria University [Melbourne].
Research Interest
General and Systematic Pathology
Malley RC, Assenheimer D, Chapman JA, Choi-Lundberg DL, Williams AM. Cadaver path: Integration of anatomy and anatomical pathology in the dissection laboratory. InAustralian & New Zealand Association of Clinical Anatomists 2010.
Malau-Aduli BS, Assenheimer D, Choi-Lundberg D, Zimitat C. Using computer-based technology to improve feedback to staff and students on MCQ assessments. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 2014 Sep 3;51(5):510-22.