Danjela Ndoja
University Public Hospital Cente
Danjela Ndoja is a 35 years old neurologist epileptologist working at the University Public Hospital Center “Mother Theresa” in Tirana Albania since 2011 graduated in Neurology in the University of Tirana Albania, and finishing the master of “Epileptology” at the University of Ferrara Italy 2012. Her extensive work as general neurologist dealing at emergency with stroke or acute seizures cases is caring the epileptic and dementia outpatients. Danjela Ndoja is a 35 years old neurologist epileptologist working at the University Public Hospital Center “Mother Theresa” in Tirana Albania since 2011 graduated in Neurology in the University of Tirana Albania, and finishing the master of “Epileptology” at the University of Ferrara Italy 2012. Her extensive work as general neurologist dealing at emergency with stroke or acute seizures cases is caring the epileptic and dementia outpatients.
Research Interest