
Business & Management Experts

Dr. Fred Eshelman

life sciences


 Dr. Eshelman has been serving on the Board since March 2016 and has more than 35 years of strategic development, executive, operational and financial leadership experience in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. He is the founder and former Chief Executive Officer and Executive Chairman of Pharmaceutical Product Development, Inc. (PPD), a global contract pharmaceutical research organization providing drug discovery, development and lifecycle management services. Dr. Eshelman was also the founding chairman of Furiex Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a drug development company that collaborated with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to increase the value of their drug candidates by applying an accelerated approach to drug development.

Research Interest

 Dr. Eshelman has been serving on the Board since March 2016 and has more than 35 years of strategic development, executive, operational and financial leadership experience in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. He is the founder and former Chief Executive Officer and Executive Chairman of Pharmaceutical Product Development, Inc. (PPD), a global contract pharmaceutical research organization providing drug discovery, development and lifecycle management services. Dr. Eshelman was also the founding chairman of Furiex Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a drug development company that collaborated with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to increase the value of their drug candidates by applying an accelerated approach to drug development.

Global Experts from Australia

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