Dr. Nils, Tilch
Engineering Geology
Geological Survey of Austria
1985 – 1993 Studied geology and paleontology at the Technical University of Clausthal Diploma thesis and map "Structural and hydraulic aspects of crystalline rocks of the Grimsel area (Switzerland)" 1993 – 1998 Research assistant at the Institute of Earth Sciences of the Technical University of Braunschweig Teaching in the fields of Engineering Geology, Quaternary Geology, Remote Sensing and Aerial Image Analysis, Mineral Exploration, Geology for Civil Engineers, Head of the engineering geological laboratories Process research and method development Dissertation "Slip Susceptibility in Southern Lower Saxony - From the Anatomy of Slippage at Brunkensen / Alfeld to the Prognosis of Unstable Slopes" 1998 – 2000 Employee of Schloss Friedland GmbH (public relations and quality representative) 2000 – 2004 Research assistant within the framework of the DFG joint project "Outflow Formation and Catchment Modeling" at the Institute of Hydrology of the University of Freiburg tracer hydrological process research Development of geologically based hydrological space-division method for the designation of "hydrological response units" Process-oriented precipitation-discharge modeling Since 2004 Contract Agent in the Department of Engineering Geology 1985 – 1993 Studied geology and paleontology at the Technical University of Clausthal Diploma thesis and map "Structural and hydraulic aspects of crystalline rocks of the Grimsel area (Switzerland)" 1993 – 1998 Research assistant at the Institute of Earth Sciences of the Technical University of Braunschweig Teaching in the fields of Engineering Geology, Quaternary Geology, Remote Sensing and Aerial Image Analysis, Mineral Exploration, Geology for Civil Engineers, Head of the engineering geological laboratories Process research and method development Dissertation "Slip Susceptibility in Southern Lower Saxony - From the Anatomy of Slippage at Brunkensen / Alfeld to the Prognosis of Unstable Slopes" 1998 – 2000 Employee of Schloss Friedland GmbH (public relations and quality representative) 2000 – 2004 Research assistant within the framework of the DFG joint project "Outflow Formation and Catchment Modeling" at the Institute of Hydrology of the University of Freiburg tracer hydrological process research Development of geologically based hydrological space-division method for the designation of "hydrological response units" Process-oriented precipitation-discharge modeling Since 2004 Contract Agent in the Department of Engineering Geology
Research Interest
Deputy Head of Department Engineering Geological Survey Process system research (gravitational mass movements, hydro (geology) Acquisition, analysis and estimation of geogenic natural hazards, Development of methods and strategies for the interpretation, analysis and evaluation of natural hazard-relevant data and maps Creation of regional planning principles with regard to gravitational mass movements and their evaluation, Data research, digital data preparation and management, Information regarding gravitational mass movements.