
Geology & Earth Science Experts

Dr. Reinhard-roetzel

Head of department
Sedimentary Geology
Geological Survey of Austria


Since 1982 geologist at the Federal Geological Survey 1982-1984 GBA - Department of Raw Material Geology (Petroleum Department) Since 1984 GBA - Department of Sediment Geology Since 2003 Head of the Department of Sediment Geology Since 1982 geologist at the Federal Geological Survey 1982-1984 GBA - Department of Raw Material Geology (Petroleum Department) Since 1984 GBA - Department of Sediment Geology Since 2003 Head of the Department of Sediment Geology

Research Interest

Head of the Department of Sediment Geology Geological survey - participation in the creation of geological maps and explanations Basic research in the field of sedimentology, sediment petrography and stratigraphy of Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary deposits in the Alpine-Carpathian Vortiefe and on the Bohemian mass

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