
Geology & Earth Science Experts

Dr Schuster-ralf

Hard Rock Geology
Geological Survey of Austria


March 1987:  Matriculation at the University of Vienna September 1987 - February 1990:  Completion of the first stage of study of Earth Sciences (passed with distinction). July 1990 - September 1994:  Diploma thesis with Prof. W. Frank with the title "Alpine overshoot at the base of the Bundschuh crystalline" (Styria / Carinthia / Salzburg). Completion of diploma studies (with "excellent success"). October 1994 - June 1999:  Dissertation within the framework of the project "Magmas and Metamorphosis Development in Kailas Cross-Section (SW-Tibet)" under the direction of Prof. W. Frank, Prof. F. Purtscheller and Prof. Ch. Miller. Title of the dissertation: "The Geodynamic Development of SW-Tibet". Rigorosum on 11.6.1999 (with "award") filed. 1991 - 1999:  Regular activity as tutor at the Institute of Geology. 1996, 1998 and 1999:  Participation in the project "Paleomagnetic investigations of continental deformation in the area of ​​the India-Eurasia collision (Himalayas, Tibet, Pamir)" under Prof. E. Appel (University of Tübingen). April 1997 - April 2000: work in the project "Permo-Triassic geodynamics of Austroalpine basement units" in collaboration with Dr. med. S. Scharbert and dr. R. Abart. September 2000 - August 2002:  Collaborator in the project "Permo-Triassic Lithospheric Extension in the Alpine Realm" under Prof. P. Faupl. 1997, 1999, 2000 and 2001:  Mapping on behalf of the Federal Geological Survey on the map sheets Spittal ad Drau (182), Obervellach (181), and Winklern (180). Since October 2002:  Geologist at the Geological Survey Institute in Vienna. March 1987:  Matriculation at the University of Vienna September 1987 - February 1990:  Completion of the first stage of study of Earth Sciences (passed with distinction). July 1990 - September 1994:  Diploma thesis with Prof. W. Frank with the title "Alpine overshoot at the base of the Bundschuh crystalline" (Styria / Carinthia / Salzburg). Completion of diploma studies (with "excellent success"). October 1994 - June 1999:  Dissertation within the framework of the project "Magmas and Metamorphosis Development in Kailas Cross-Section (SW-Tibet)" under the direction of Prof. W. Frank, Prof. F. Purtscheller and Prof. Ch. Miller. Title of the dissertation: "The Geodynamic Development of SW-Tibet". Rigorosum on 11.6.1999 (with "award") filed. 1991 - 1999:  Regular activity as tutor at the Institute of Geology. 1996, 1998 and 1999:  Participation in the project "Paleomagnetic investigations of continental deformation in the area of ​​the India-Eurasia collision (Himalayas, Tibet, Pamir)" under Prof. E. Appel (University of Tübingen). April 1997 - April 2000: work in the project "Permo-Triassic geodynamics of Austroalpine basement units" in collaboration with Dr. med. S. Scharbert and dr. R. Abart. September 2000 - August 2002:  Collaborator in the project "Permo-Triassic Lithospheric Extension in the Alpine Realm" under Prof. P. Faupl. 1997, 1999, 2000 and 2001:  Mapping on behalf of the Federal Geological Survey on the map sheets Spittal ad Drau (182), Obervellach (181), and Winklern (180). Since October 2002:  Geologist at the Geological Survey Institute in Vienna.

Research Interest

Geological land survey Creation of map and explanations Geochronology (Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd method) Cooperation in the creation of database structures for tectonics, lithostratigraphy and lithology  

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