M Peresson
Geology and Earth Sciences
Geological Survey of Austria
1983 Inscription Subject Earth Sciences (Geology) at the University of Vienna 1991 Graduation (Diploma Thesis: Faculty Analysis of the Lower and Middle Chalk Members of the Ybbsitzer Klippenzone) 1995 Doctorate (Dissertation: Tonmineralogical investigations on layer members of the Rhenodanubian flysch zone) 1991-1992 Participation in the project "P 8310 Geo" of the FFWF (clay mineralogical phase analysis of sediment samples at flysches of the Western Carpathians); Contract Assistant at the University of Vienna, Institute of Geology 1993-1995 Tutorial assignments at the University of Vienna (card business internship) Since 1994 Employees as part of projects at the Geological Survey of Vienna
Research Interest
Documentation of construction sites in Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Burgenland Mineralogical analyzes Determination of engineering-geological parameters (coasting and flow limit) Roadwork database