Marc Ostermann
Department of Applied Geology
Geological Survey of Austria
1994 Matura at the Bundes-Oberstufen-Realgymnasium Telfs, Tyrol 2003 Graduation at the University of Innsbruck in geology Diploma thesis: Structural-Stratigraphic revision of the Kalkalpensüdrandes between Zirl and Kranebitten. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Brandner 2003-2006 Research assistant at the FWF project: Quaternary lithified carbonate talus of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria): sedimentology, diagenesis, and paleoenvironmental significance. Head: Prof. dr. Diethard Sanders 2007 PhD at the University of Innsbruck in geology
Research Interest
Card editor of the GÖK 50 card work and editorial support during the print preparation Geological survey with focus on Northern Limestone Alps, creation of geological maps & explanations Accompanying basic research in the Northern Limestone Alps in the areas of litho- and biostratigraphy and tectonics Expert information and advice from third parties in the above subject areas