
Cardiology Experts

Peskin Yuri Lvovich

Head of department
Russian Cardiology Scientific and Clinical Complex


ead of cardiology department, cardiologist of the highest qualification category, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, chief freelance cardiologist of the Regional Directorate of Medical Support on the Moscow Railway. Higher education. In 1980 he graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Moscow Medical Stomatological Institute. ON. Semashko specialty - medical business. From 1980 to 1983 was trained in clinical residency in cardiology and cardiac recovery. In the Road Hospital. NA Semashko has been working since 1984 in the post of cardiologist-resuscitator, since 1989 he has been in charge of cardiology department. In 2011 - further training in the relevant issues of cardiology on the basis of the Moscow State Medical Stomatological University. A.I. Evdokimova, the validity of the certificate of a specialist is 5 years. In 2014 - an advanced training in cardiology on the basis of the Moscow State Medical-Stomatological University. A.I. Evdokimova, the validity of the certificate of a specialist is 5 years. He recommended himself as a thoughtful, qualified specialist with deep clinical thinking. With his direct participation in the work of the department, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment were introduced: therapeutic temporary endocardial and transesophageal pacemaking, diagnostic PES including electrophysiological examination, myocardial scintigraphy (load and rest), 24-hour ECG and AD monitoring, plasmapheresis, ultrasound techniques. In perfect possession of electrocardiography, stress tests, resuscitation tool. On his account, repeated successful resuscitation in the clinical death. In his work he uses the most modern arsenal of pharmacological drugs used in cardiology and recommended by the All-Russian scientific community of cardiologists, which allowed the department to achieve a significant decrease in mortality in case of myocardial infarction and severe circulatory insufficiency.

Research Interest

ECG and AD monitoring, plasmapheresis, ultrasound techniques

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