Savira Pharmaceuticals
He has worked in research and the pharmaceutical industry for 14 years. Previously, he held the position of the CSO at onepharm. Prior to that, he was head of analytical operations at onepharm and Aphton/Igeneon, Austria, after heading the instrumental analysis at the IFA, Department for Environmental Biotechnology, Austria. He holds a PhD in biotechnology from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria. He has worked in research and the pharmaceutical industry for 14 years. Previously, he held the position of the CSO at onepharm. Prior to that, he was head of analytical operations at onepharm and Aphton/Igeneon, Austria, after heading the instrumental analysis at the IFA, Department for Environmental Biotechnology, Austria. He holds a PhD in biotechnology from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
Research Interest