
Food & Nutrition Experts

Rex Cannon

Chairman of Department of Psychiatry
Department of Bioinformatics and Biosystems Technology
Unilasalle University


Cannon received his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He is an Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Psychology and director of the clinical neuroscience laboratory at UT and director of the cognitive neuroscience laboratory at the Cole Neuroscience Center, located at the University of Tennessee Memorial Medical Center. He completed his Ph.D. in experimental psychology with an emphasis in neuroscience methods, neurophysiology and biological psychology. He is author of several book chapters and has published numerous neuroscience papers in peer-reviewed journals, including the first work demonstrating that human beings can learn to change the electrical activity in specific regions within the cortex using spatial specific neuro-operant learning. Cannon has received awards for research presentations and was recently nominated by the National Institute of Drug Abuse for a young investigator award. He has collaborated on a book chapter about the efficacy of neurofeedback for treatment of substance use disorders, and is developing statistical models for reporting psychotherapy and addiction treatment efficacy. He received several awards during his graduate training, including the Cureton Award for outstanding scholarship in the areas of psychometrics and neuropsychology. Cannon has presented research at Columbia University and Harvard Medical School. More recently, he has introduced a standard protocol for assessing treatment outcomes for psychiatric syndromes. He has developed chemical dependency assessment instruments and a treatment model incorporating standardized group therapy and spatial-specific neurofeedback training. Cannon received his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He is an Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Psychology and director of the clinical neuroscience laboratory at UT and director of the cognitive neuroscience laboratory at the Cole Neuroscience Center, located at the University of Tennessee Memorial Medical Center. He completed his Ph.D. in experimental psychology with an emphasis in neuroscience methods, neurophysiology and biological psychology. He is author of several book chapters and has published numerous neuroscience papers in peer-reviewed journals, including the first work demonstrating that human beings can learn to change the electrical activity in specific regions within the cortex using spatial specific neuro-operant learning. Cannon has received awards for research presentations and was recently nominated by the National Institute of Drug Abuse for a young investigator award. He has collaborated on a book chapter about the efficacy of neurofeedback for treatment of substance use disorders, and is developing statistical models for reporting psychotherapy and addiction treatment efficacy. He received several awards during his graduate training, including the Cureton Award for outstanding scholarship in the areas of psychometrics and neuropsychology. Cannon has presented research at Columbia University and Harvard Medical School. More recently, he has introduced a standard protocol for assessing treatment outcomes for psychiatric syndromes. He has developed chemical dependency assessment instruments and a treatment model incorporating standardized group therapy and spatial-specific neurofeedback training.

Research Interest

Rex Cannon can discuss issues related to the brain, including clinical neuroscience, biological psychology, self-regulation and electroencephalogram (EEG) source localization. Cannon also can discuss low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA), neuroimaging, neurocognitive testing, psychometrics and statistical modeling.

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