Dominik Altmann
Department of Biomedical Sciences
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
Dr. Dominik Altmann is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Department of Biomedical Sciences, Veterinary Medical University Vienna , Austria. His research interests includes Veterinary Medical, Biomedical Sciences. He /she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Dominik Altmann is the member of many international affiliations. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He /she has authored of many research articles/books related to Veterinary Medical, Biomedical Sciences.
Research Interest
Veterinary Medical, Biomedical Sciences
Grillitsch, B; Altmann, D; Bartel, C; Möstl, E (2011): Ecotoxicity and Endocrinology. IN: Kreuzinger, N [Hrsg.]: KomOzon: Technical implementation and implementation of an ozonation stage for municipal wastewater purified according to the state of the art. Vienna, Ministry of Life, pp. 47-55.
Altmann, D; Bartel, C; Möstl, E; BALIETH, B (2011): Androgenic Endocrine Disrupters - Effects on external and internal sex characteristics in Medaka (Oryzias latipes). - 3rd International Conference on Occurrence, Fate, Effects, and Analysis of Emerging Contaminants in the Environment; AUG 23-26, 2011; Copenhagen, Denmark.
Altmann, D; Shaar, H; Bartel, C; Cork head, DL; Miller, I; Crossinger, N; Möstl, E; Grillitsch, B (2012): Impact of ozonation on ecotoxicity and endocrine activity of tertiary treated wastewater effluent. Water Res. 2012; 46 (11): 3693-3702