Eamon Gorman
Board Member
Nobel Oil Group
Eamon Gorman joined the Board of Nobel Oil Services as a Member and as a Director in 2015. He has over 35 years of diverse experience in the North Sea, Far East, and Middle East, in both Operator and Contractor roles. Most recently Mr. Gorman worked as CEO of MBPS Group, successfully turning around one of the largest Oilfield Services companies in the MENA region. Previously he served on the Managing Director's Committee in Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) as Well Engineering Director. Mr. Gorman started his career at Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) in 1978 as a Production Technologist. He spent over 20 years managing production technology and petroleum engineering for such companies as Mærsk Olie og Gas AS (Maersk Oil), Shell Expro, Petroleum Development Oman, Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij BV (NAM), Al Furat Petroleum Co. He continued his career as a Consultancy Services Manager at Shell Expro (Aberdeen, UK), and as an Operations Manager at Shell Iran Offshore Ltd. (Dubai, UAE). Mr. Gorman also served at Petroleum Development Oman as Director of Well Engineering & Logistics. Mr. Gorman holds BA in Mathematics and BA in Engineering from Trinity Collegue, Dublin. He earned his master degree in Petroleum Engineering from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.
Research Interest
Focus in oil industry