
Environmental Sciences Experts

Huafei Zou

Adjunct Clinical Assistant & Professor
Department of Bioinformatics and Biosystems Technology
Unilasalle University


Dr. Huafei Zou received her PhD in Fudan University during the period of 2001-2006.  Currently, she is working as a research associate at the University of Pittsburgh. She is serving as a peer reviewer for several reputed journals like Cell Research, Brain Research, and Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. She has authored a number of research articles/books. She is a member of American Association for Cancer Research. Dr. Huafei Zou received her PhD in Fudan University during the period of 2001-2006.  Currently, she is working as a research associate at the University of Pittsburgh. She is serving as a peer reviewer for several reputed journals like Cell Research, Brain Research, and Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. She has authored a number of research articles/books. She is a member of American Association for Cancer Research.

Research Interest

Cell signaling pathways involved in cell growth, senescence and death.

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