Salomone Di Saverio
Department of Patient Care
Unilasalle University
Dr. Salomone Di Saverio is a substantive Consultant General Surgeon in the General, Emergency and HBP Surgery in Maggiore Hospital of Bologna. He is also a Team Leader Consultant for Acute Care Surgery and deputy Consultant for the Emergency Laparoscopy development project. He is Consultant Trauma Team leader within the Trauma Surgery Unit. He has worked in USA (Miami Ryder Trauma Center), South Africa (Durban) and UK (Bristol). He is active member of several surgical societies (Italian Society of Surgeons, Italian Society of Young Surgeons, International Society of Surgery, Trauma Society of South Africa). He is member of the board of Directors of the Italian Society of Young Surgeons as well as of the World Society of Emergency Surgery. He is member of the Medical Board of the Province of Bologna; he has also been registered to the Health Profession Council of South Africa, and completed the verification of credentials and registration to ECFMG/EICS®. He is registered to the General Medical Council UK, within the Specialist Register of General Surgery. He authored more than 350 scientific papers published in national and international journals, more than 250 as a first author. He published more than 65 papers (more than 35 as a first author) in peer reviewed journals (including NEJM, Lancet, Gut, PLOS Medicine etc. with an overall IF higher than 200, actual h-index of 9). He is referee for NEJM, Lancet, Annals of Internal Medicine, BMJ, British Journal of Surgery, WJES, and more than 10 other PMC Journals. He attended as a delegate, invited speaker, moderator, discussant or instructor faculty member to more than 160 scientific conferences, meetings and courses, including the American College of Surgeons, Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, International Society of Emergency Surgery, World Society of Emergency Surgery etc. He has been first author or co-author of several chapters and contributions in scientific books and manuals. He is also currently the leading Editor of a Trauma Surgery manual published by Springer. Member of the Editorial Board of the World Journal of Emergency Surgery as well of other scientific journal, he is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Radiation Therapy and Senior Editor of Chronicles of Surgery. He has been involved as co-investigator or principal investigator in more than 30 research projects and international clinical trials, mostly multicenter prospective randomized, the most recent being the Dutch multicenter RCT "The Ladies Trial" on laparoscopic treatment of perforated acute diverticulitis. He has been nominated by the University of Bologna as Tutor/Evaluating Professor in the discipline General Surgery in the Clinical Skills (Clinical Practice) Hospital session of the Medical Graduates for Italian National Medical Licensing Exam. Since 2011 he has created and organized as Director an Hands On Course for young Surgeons, ICU doctors, A&E doctors, General Doctors and nurses, about techniques of insertion and management of the thoracic drains in Emergency and Trauma setting. He has also been the founder and director of two Hands On Courses on Trauma Surgery and Emergency Laparoscopy for the Italian Society of Young Surgeons. Since 2011 he is an Instructor, member of the Faculty of the Trauma Surgery and Hands On Course, official course of the Italian Society of Surgeons for Specialist Surgeons. He has performed to date more than 2900 major surgical procedures; among them more than 1800 were urgent/emergency procedures and more than 550 laparoscopic cases. He performed more than 1300 procedures as first operator of all types of surgery, and more than 300 laparoscopic cases as first operator. In emergency laparoscopy setting he has performed as first operator any type of emergency surgery procedure with laparoscopic technique (complicated/perforated acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, lap repair of gastroduodenal perforations, laparoscopic removal of intra-gastric foreign bodies, lap reduction&repair of strangulated hiatus hernia, laparoscopic gastroenteronastomoses and lap GastroJJ for acute gastric outlet obstruction, laparoscopy for adhesive small bowel obstruction and laparoscopic adhesiolysis for strangulating single bands, laparoscopic lavage for purulent perforated diverticulitis, laparoscopic Hartmann’s procedures and Laparoscopic right or left Colonic resections with primary anastomosis for perforated diverticulitis, laparoscopy for diffuse peritonitis, laparoscopic reduction&repair of strangulated incisional hernia). His main fields of interest are currently Emergency Surgery either open or laparoscopic, Trauma, Abdominal and Laparoscopic Surgery, Surgical Oncology and Breast Surgery. Dr. Salomone Di Saverio is a substantive Consultant General Surgeon in the General, Emergency and HBP Surgery in Maggiore Hospital of Bologna. He is also a Team Leader Consultant for Acute Care Surgery and deputy Consultant for the Emergency Laparoscopy development project. He is Consultant Trauma Team leader within the Trauma Surgery Unit. He has worked in USA (Miami Ryder Trauma Center), South Africa (Durban) and UK (Bristol). He is active member of several surgical societies (Italian Society of Surgeons, Italian Society of Young Surgeons, International Society of Surgery, Trauma Society of South Africa). He is member of the board of Directors of the Italian Society of Young Surgeons as well as of the World Society of Emergency Surgery. He is member of the Medical Board of the Province of Bologna; he has also been registered to the Health Profession Council of South Africa, and completed the verification of credentials and registration to ECFMG/EICS®. He is registered to the General Medical Council UK, within the Specialist Register of General Surgery. He authored more than 350 scientific papers published in national and international journals, more than 250 as a first author. He published more than 65 papers (more than 35 as a first author) in peer reviewed journals (including NEJM, Lancet, Gut, PLOS Medicine etc. with an overall IF higher than 200, actual h-index of 9). He is referee for NEJM, Lancet, Annals of Internal Medicine, BMJ, British Journal of Surgery, WJES, and more than 10 other PMC Journals. He attended as a delegate, invited speaker, moderator, discussant or instructor faculty member to more than 160 scientific conferences, meetings and courses, including the American College of Surgeons, Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, International Society of Emergency Surgery, World Society of Emergency Surgery etc. He has been first author or co-author of several chapters and contributions in scientific books and manuals. He is also currently the leading Editor of a Trauma Surgery manual published by Springer. Member of the Editorial Board of the World Journal of Emergency Surgery as well of other scientific journal, he is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Radiation Therapy and Senior Editor of Chronicles of Surgery. He has been involved as co-investigator or principal investigator in more than 30 research projects and international clinical trials, mostly multicenter prospective randomized, the most recent being the Dutch multicenter RCT "The Ladies Trial" on laparoscopic treatment of perforated acute diverticulitis. He has been nominated by the University of Bologna as Tutor/Evaluating Professor in the discipline General Surgery in the Clinical Skills (Clinical Practice) Hospital session of the Medical Graduates for Italian National Medical Licensing Exam. Since 2011 he has created and organized as Director an Hands On Course for young Surgeons, ICU doctors, A&E doctors, General Doctors and nurses, about techniques of insertion and management of the thoracic drains in Emergency and Trauma setting. He has also been the founder and director of two Hands On Courses on Trauma Surgery and Emergency Laparoscopy for the Italian Society of Young Surgeons. Since 2011 he is an Instructor, member of the Faculty of the Trauma Surgery and Hands On Course, official course of the Italian Society of Surgeons for Specialist Surgeons. He has performed to date more than 2900 major surgical procedures; among them more than 1800 were urgent/emergency procedures and more than 550 laparoscopic cases. He performed more than 1300 procedures as first operator of all types of surgery, and more than 300 laparoscopic cases as first operator. In emergency laparoscopy setting he has performed as first operator any type of emergency surgery procedure with laparoscopic technique (complicated/perforated acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, lap repair of gastroduodenal perforations, laparoscopic removal of intra-gastric foreign bodies, lap reduction&repair of strangulated hiatus hernia, laparoscopic gastroenteronastomoses and lap GastroJJ for acute gastric outlet obstruction, laparoscopy for adhesive small bowel obstruction and laparoscopic adhesiolysis for strangulating single bands, laparoscopic lavage for purulent perforated diverticulitis, laparoscopic Hartmann’s procedures and Laparoscopic right or left Colonic resections with primary anastomosis for perforated diverticulitis, laparoscopy for diffuse peritonitis, laparoscopic reduction&repair of strangulated incisional hernia). His main fields of interest are currently Emergency Surgery either open or laparoscopic, Trauma, Abdominal and Laparoscopic Surgery, Surgical Oncology and Breast Surgery.
Research Interest
His research interest includes Gastrointestinal Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Emergency Surgery either open or laparoscopic, Trauma, Abdominal and Laparoscopic Surgery, Surgical Oncology and Breast Surgery