S.n. Thakur
Department of physics
BAMU University
Awards: Fellow Laser & Spectroscopy Society of India President Physics Section Indian Science Congress 1991 Fulbright Scholar 1982 British Council Visiting Scientist 1981 UGC Career Awardee 1979-80 UGC National Associate 1977 1851 Exhibition Scholar of Royal Commission London 1970 Chancellor Gold Medalist Banaras Hindu University 1964 Projects Undertaken as PI/ Co PI: 8 Major Research Projects on Lasers and Molecular Spectroscopy funded by UGC, CSIR, DST, DRDO Any additional information: Head, Department of Physics, BHU, 1986-88 Vice-Chairman, School Board, BHU, 1996-98 Dean, Faculty of Science, BHU, 1998-2001 Chairman, Committee to Rationalize Diploma/Certificate Courses, BHU, 2003-04 Chairman, Central Purchase Committee, BHU, 2004-05 I have been associated with the popularization of science at school level by presenting lectures and demonstrations on LASERS, ATOMS & MOLECULES and the UNIVERSE. I am also helping the cause of primary education of village girls. Co-Author of following Books: 1. ATOMIC SPECTRA, STRUCTURE & MODERN SPECTROSCOPY Vaivaswat Publication, Varanasi (2005) 2. LASER INDUCED BREAKDOWN SPECTROSCOPY Elsevier Publication, Amsterdam (2007) 3. ATOM, LASER & SPECTROSCOPY Prentice Hall of India, Delhi (2010) Academic Qualifications: S. No. Degree Institution Year 1. B.Sc. Banaras Hindu University 1962 2. M.Sc. Banaras Hindu University 1964 3. Ph. D. Banaras Hindu University 1968
Research Interest
Laser Spectroscopy, Intramolecular Force Fields, Rotational contour analysis and molecular structure in excited electronic states, Photothermal and Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Optogalvanic and Multiphoton ionization Spectroscopy, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
A3?1u?X1?+ laser photoacoustic spectroscopy of Br2 vapour in the exteme red wavelength region 665-720nm. R.C. Sharma, S.N. Thakur & K.C. Lin, Spectrochim Acta A60, 1889 (2004).
vg Study of frequency upconversion in Yb3+/Eu3+ by cooperative energy transfer in oxyfluoroborate glass matrix Y. Dwivedi, S. N. Thakur & S. B. Rai, Appl.Phys.B89 (2007) 45- 51
Quantitative analysis of gallstones using LIBS, V.K.Singh,V.Singh, A.K.Rai, S.N.ThakurP.K.Rai & J.P. Singh, Appl. Optics 47 (2008) G-38-47