Abhay Kumar Singh
Atomic & Molecular Physics
Banaras Hindu University
Academic Qualifications: S. No. Degree Institution Year 1. B.Sc. Banaras Hindu University 1987 2. M.Sc. Banaras Hindu University 1989 3. Ph. D. Banaras Hindu University 1993 Brief writeup on area of specialization/awards/achievements: Recent studies of lightning and thunderstorm activity relate global electric circuit and weather/climate. These all are controlled by the short and long term variations in the solar environment, commonly known as space-weather events. We are mainly working on the study of the processes occurring in the lower atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth on the following problems: Awards: Life Member, Indian Physics Association (LM-12777). Life Member, Indian Meteorological Society, New Delhi (LM-1722). Life Member, Indian Aerosol Science & Technology Association (IASTA), BARC, Bombay (F-12433). Reviewer of Journals: JASTP, IJRSP, EMP, JASR, JASS, ESI, IJP, ESR, SRE, JESS BOYSCAST Fellow. Life Member of Plasma Science Society of India, Ahmedabad. Fellow, The Society of Earth Scientists, Earth Science India, Lucknow. Member of Editorial Boards of IIST Journal of Applied Physics, New Delhi. Current Research Projects: S. No. Name of the Project Duration Source of Funding Amount of Funding (Rs) 1. GPS based TEC measurements and ionospheric perturbations due to Earthquakes 2008- 2011 DST, New Delhi 27.6 lacs 2. "Space Science Activities at Indian Universities (BHU, Varanasi)" under ISRO-SSPS Program 2009-2014 ISRO, Bangalore 133 lacs 3. Running/Maintenance Cost of GPS Measurements at the Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, B.H.U., Barkachha 2007- 2012 MoES, New Delhi 18.5 Lacs 4. "Long-Term Analysis of Aerosols and Related Aerosol Radiative Forcing in Ganga Basin at B.H.U. Campus, Varanasi" under ISRO-ARFI program. 2009- 2012 ISRO, Bangalore 35.0 lacs 5. Coordinated Study of VLF Waves in India: "Remote Sensing of Ionosphere and Magnetosphere using ELF/VLF Waves at Low Latitudes" under CAWSES-INDIA-II 2010-2013 ISRO, Bangalore 13.3 lacs
Research Interest
Recent studies of lightning and thunderstorm activity relate global electric circuit and weather/climate. These all are controlled by the short and long term variations in the solar environment, commonly known as space-weather events. We are mainly working on the study of the processes occurring in the lower atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth on the following problems: Space Weather Studies of Upper Atmosphere. Study of Ionospheric Irregularities using VHF & GPS scintillations. GPS based Total Electron Content (TEC) & Water Vapor content measurements and their variability. Study of VLF Whistler-Mode waves and their generation and propagation mechanisms. Electrodynamics of the Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere. Seismo-electromagnetics to study Earthquake Precursors. Atmospheric studies involving aerosols, dust storms, winter fog, and their radiative and climate effects mainly in Indo-Gangetic basin.
Thunderstorms, lightning, sprites and magnetospheric whistler-mode radio waves, D. Siingh, A. K. Singh, R.P. Patel, R. Singh, R.P. Singh, B. Veenadhari and M. Mukherjee, Surveys in Geophysics, 29, 499-551, 2008.
Characteristics of Quasi-Periodic Scintillations Observed at Low Latitude, K. Patel, As. K. Singh, A. K. Singh and R. P. Singh, Radio Science, 44, RS6007, doi:10.1029/2008RS003975, 2009.
Generation Mechanism for VLF Chorus Emissions Observed at a Low Latitude Ground Station, A. K Singh and Kjell Ronnmark; Annales Geophysicae, 22, 2067-2072, 2004.