Ahmed Mohammad Obeid Gharaibeh
Assistant Professor
Banking & Finance
Ahlia University
I am a full time Assistant professor at Ahlia University. I commenced my career at Ahlia in September, 2003 as an Assistant professor. I got my Master degree in finance from Saint Louis University (USA) in 1988 after that, I worked as a full time instructor at Yarmouk University (Jordan) for the period from 1988 to 1993. I got my PhD in Accounting and Finance from Hull University, UK, in 1997 after which I worked as an Assistant Professor at Yarmouk University, Jordan from 1997 till August, 31st 2003. I then acted as chairman of the department of Banking and Finance at Yarmouk University from May, 2001 till August, 2003 and also acted as a chairman of the department of Banking and finance at Ahlia University for the period from Sept. 2003 till August 2008. I got a scholarship from Yarmouk University to study my higher education (Master of Finance) in the United States and I received another scholarship from the British Council to study PhD in Accounting and finance in the UK. Currently I am an advisor of 33 MBA and undergraduate students, an evaluator of many academic papers in academic journals, external Examiner of MBA dissertations in many local and International universities. I am an internal examiner of MBA dissertations at Ahlia University, a member of strategic planning Committee (college of Business and Finance), a member of NQF review panel and many other committees at departmental and collegial level.
Research Interest
I am interested in researching topics related to corporate finance and banking. Focus is on capital structure, firm’s profitability and performance of the firm. I am also interested in researching topics related to investments and international finance like foreign direct investment and foreign exchange rates. Another interest is in capital markets and stock markets in the region.
Ahmad Mohammad Obeid Gharaibeh; Abdullah Ali Tami Swailem Al Azmi (2015) Test of the Day of the Week Effect: The Case of Kuwait Stock Exchangeâ€, Asian Economic and Financial Review, vol. 5. No. 5, pp. 757-765.
Ahmad Mohammad Obeid Gharaibeh. The Effect of Capital Structure on the Financial Performance of Listed Companies in Bahrain Bourse. Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol. 3, No. 3, 2015, pp. 50-60.
Ahmad M. O. Gharaibeh and Fatima Ismail Hamadi “The Day of the Week Anomaly in Bahrain Stock Marketâ€, Journal of International Management Review. Vol. 9, No. 2, 2013.