Ammar Sami Mohamed Saleh Aldallal
Assistant Professor
Computer Engineering
Ahlia University
Ammar Al-Dallal, Assistant Professor, member of Computer Engineering Department, Ahlia University. He was born in Dec 1972 and in 2012 he received his PhD, Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems and Computing at Brunel University. In 1997 he received his Master’s Degree in Computer Science, College of Engineering at Kuwait University, State of Kuwait. In 1995 he received a Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering at Kuwait University, State of Kuwait. Dr Ammar joined Ahlia University of Bahrain in Sep, 2012 as Assistant Professor of the Computer Engineering Department. He conducted research in the area of Information retrieval, genetic algorithm and its applications in optimisation problems and computer security. He also serves as a paper reviewer in a number of international journals. He worked as a System Programmer in International Turnkey Systems in the State of Kuwait from 1998 to 2004 and a Senior System Analyst in International Turnkey Systems in Kingdom of Bahrain between 2004 and 2012. AlDallal has 12 published papers; 10 published papers, 2 accepted papers, and 2 Researches in Progress. Dr Ammar was awarded the Best Presentation Award at the Third Doctoral symposium held jointly between Ahlia University and Brunel University in April 2012.
Research Interest
Areas of research interests: Information Retrieval, Genetic Algorithms and their applications, Optimization problems Computer security
Ammar Al-Dallal and Rasha S. Abdulwahab, “GA and IR: study the effectiveness of the developed fitness function on IRâ€, International Journal of Artificial Life Research (IJALR), pp1-14, vol. 3, issue 2, 2012.
Ammar Al-Dallal, Rasha S. Abdulwahab and Ramzi El-Haddadeh. “IR with and without GA: Study the Effectiveness of the Developed Fitness Function on the Two Suggested Approaches“, International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC) 4.1 (2013): 1-20. Web. 24 Sep. 2013.
Ammar Al-Dallal, “Avoiding Premature Convergence of Genetic Algorithm in Informational Retrieval Systemsâ€, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, IJISAE, 2014, 2(4), 80–85