Business & Management

Business & Management Experts

Bahaaeddin A. M. Alareeni

Assistant Professor
Accounting & Economics
Ahlia University


Bahaaeddin Alareeni joined Ahlia University as an Assistant Professor for the Department of Accounting and Economics in June 2016. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Accounting and Finance from the Islamic University – Gaza in Palestine. His PhD thesis in Accounting and Auditing was acquired from Vrije University Brussels, Belgium, in 2011. PhD thesis centered around Accounting and Auditing on the relative performance of auditors’ going concern opinions and statistical failure prediction models for listed companies in Jordan. He has published many papers in Accounting, Auditing and Finance in refereed journals and participated in several international and national conferences. His main research interests are in the areas of Auditing, Accounting, the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Internal Auditing, Financial Accounting and Financial analysis. He has more than 10 years of practical experience in accounting. He is a reviewer for several international journals such as the Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting, the British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, Advancement in Scientific and Engineering Research Journal, and the International Journal of Development and Sustainability. He is a member of the European Accountants Association (EAA), a member of the Palestinian Accountants and Auditors Association in Gaza Strip (PAAA), and a member of the International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS).

Research Interest

Bankruptcy Prediction, IFRS for SMEs, Audit Quality, Internal Auditing, Finance, Earnings Management, Financial analysis, Corporate Governance


  • Alareeni, B. Omar, Aljuaidi. (2014)’’ The Effectiveness of the Modified Jones and Yoon Models in Detecting Earnings Management in Palestine Exchange (PEX)’’. International Journal of Innovation Applied Studies.

  • Alareeni, B. Deghash, H. (2016)” The Extent of Applying the Balanced Scorecard to Assess Performance of Al-Aqsa Media Network Institution in Gaza strip”. IUG Journal of Economics and Business. 3. Dorgham, M. Lulu, M. Alareeni, B. (2015)” The application of accounting social responsibility by listed companies in Palestine Exchange”. Journal of Al Azhar University-Gaza (Human Sciences).

  • Alareeni, B, Lulu, M. (2016). The Voluntary Disclosure of Companies Listed on Palestine Exchange and Its Effect on Stock Price. Jordan Journal of Business (Forthcoming).

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