Matthias Bode
Associate Professor
Business and Financial Science
Royal University for Women
Dr. rer. pol. in Political Science & Business Administration, University of Hannover, Germany Diplomökonom, Business Economics Diploma, University of Hannover, Germany Dr. Matthias Bode earned his Business Economics Diploma in Germany (University of Hannover). After that, he focused in his PhD work on the role of music in business communications. He has been teaching for more than 16 years Marketing, Brand Management, Consumer Research, Advertising and Consumer Culture Theory at universities in Germany (University of Hannover; University of Oldenburg; Bauhaus University Weimar)), in the USA (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and in Denmark (University of Southern Denmark). Since 2007 he worked at the University of Southern Denmark, first as a visiting lecturer, then as an Assistant Professor, and since 2010 as an Associate professor. He worked for the European Union project on sustainable households, developing and executing research in several European countries with multi-stakeholders on the consumer acceptance of future oriented solutions to make household activities like washing, cooling, heating, more sustainable. He has also experience as an advisor for audio branding consulting. In his academic research he asks the question how marketing is shaped and shaping the cultural, social and historical context it comes from and acts upon. He published a book together with Prof. Dr. Ursula Hansen on the history and development of marketing theory and practice in Germany. With the same co-author, he also published one of the first German academic contributions on the role of gender in marketing theory. He has published widely in international journals and books, served as a member of program committees for international conferences, participated in numerous global conferences, and is serving as a reviewer for international conferences and journals.
Research Interest
Dr. Matthias Bode has a strong personal and professional interest in sound and music. He follows the Austrian late-Romantic composer Gustav Mahler, who declared that the most important part of music is not to be found in the notes.