
General Science Experts

Dr. Md. Golam Mostafa

Jahangirnagar University


Professor Dr. Md. Golam Mostafa was born in 1971 at Tetulbaria in the district of Jhenaidah, Bangladesh. He  achieved both B.Sc. (Honours) and M.Sc. degree in 1991 and 1992, respectively in Zoology securing first class 1st position from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. He obtained D.Sc. degree in Molecular Developmental Biology in 2009 from Kumamoto University, Japan.  He joined the Department of Zoology as a lecturer in 1996 and he was promoted to the position of Professor in 2013. Professor Mostafa availed Monbukagakusho and Erasmus Mundus Europe Asia Postdoc Scholarships for pursuing his doctorate degree in Japan and post-doctorate studies at the University of University of Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France. Also he conducted research work on the entomopathogenic fungi at Brock University, Canada. He attended several internships, training programs, conferences and symposia at home and abroad including India, Japan, Canada and France. Currently, he is engaged in teaching and supervision of B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. research students in the area of Medical and Forensic Entomology of the Department of Zoology.  Professor Dr. Md. Golam Mostafa was born in 1971 at Tetulbaria in the district of Jhenaidah, Bangladesh. He  achieved both B.Sc. (Honours) and M.Sc. degree in 1991 and 1992, respectively in Zoology securing first class 1st position from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. He obtained D.Sc. degree in Molecular Developmental Biology in 2009 from Kumamoto University, Japan.  He joined the Department of Zoology as a lecturer in 1996 and he was promoted to the position of Professor in 2013. Professor Mostafa availed Monbukagakusho and Erasmus Mundus Europe Asia Postdoc Scholarships for pursuing his doctorate degree in Japan and post-doctorate studies at the University of University of Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France. Also he conducted research work on the entomopathogenic fungi at Brock University, Canada. He attended several internships, training programs, conferences and symposia at home and abroad including India, Japan, Canada and France. Currently, he is engaged in teaching and supervision of B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. research students in the area of Medical and Forensic Entomology of the Department of Zoology. 

Research Interest

Forensic and Medical Entomology, Molecular and Medical Zoology

Global Experts from Bangladesh

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