Surendra Prasad
Atomic & Molecular Physics
BAMU University
Academic Qualifications: S. No. Degree Institution Year 1. B.Sc. Banaras Hindu University 2001 2. M.Sc. Banaras Hindu University 2003 2. Ph.D. Banaras Hindu University 2012
Research Interest
Research Area: In our research work, we investigate the propagation of electromagnetic waves in layered media, photonic band gap materials, chiral media, metamaterials, acoustically perturbed optical materials, ferrites, plasmas, etc. Currently, we are investigating and modeling surface electromagnetic waves at the interface of homogeneous dielectric and plasma photonic crystals. We are also modeling effect of acoustic perturbation on photonic crystals. Applications of Photonic band gap materials as sensors, phase matching, etc are also being explored.
Prasad, S., Singh, V. and Singh, A. K., Study of reflection spectra of one dimensional plasma photonic crystals having exponentially graded materials, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol. 15 (5) 443-447 (2013).
Prasad, S., Singh, V. and Singh, A. K., Property of ternary one dimensional plasma photonic crystals for obliquely incident electromagnetic wave considering the effect of collisions in plasma layers, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol. 14 (12) 1084-1090 (2012).
Prasad, S., Singh, V. and Singh, A. K., Modal propagation characteristics of EM waves in ternary one-dimensional plasma photonic crystals, Optik, Vol. 121 (16) 1520-1528 (2010