General Science

General Science Experts

Yves Engelborghs

Jaguar Health


"1900 Gustav Wagner founded the retail and wholesale company in the paint department in Kirchhain at the age of 25. 1907 He immigrated back to his birthplace in Biedenkopf. He has begun the production of his own products. Industrial polishes and paints are the first produced products. 1914 With the beginning of World War 1 and the founder of the company being drafted, progress as a company comes to a halt. 1924 With the end of inflation the production of paints and polishes continues in a greater volume. The Wagner name becomes known outside of the German Empires boundaries. 1925 He moves to the new building constructed by the Office and wholesale department Biedenkopf right across from the train station. 1930 Adolf Wagner's 27 year old eldest son takes over fabrication at Lindenstrasse. He will manage the company successfully for tens of years and allow it to remain in minds even after. 1934-1939 Paints that are resistant to high temperatures and pastes that are fire resistant allow them to gain high profits. 1939-1945 Because of World War 2 the company owner is drafted and production decreases somewhat. 1948 During this year all products begin production again and a large investment towards production is realized, also storage areas make up a new success period with expert personnel. The production program includes industrial paints and polishes. 1960 A modern laboratory and new office areas have been formed. 1966 An expert in the field of paints, Gustv-Adolf Wagner (Adolf Wagners eldest son) enters the company management. 1967 With the foundation of a new division the production of plaster has begun on a small scale. Adolf Wagner is the first one to produce colored rock plasters that include GmbH (Wabierol colored rock plaster) and is the leader in the filed in Germany with this product. 1970 The performance of Wabiepon double component which is produced in color is applauded in the casing of machines and large volume vehicles and especially on the casings of high resistance tanks. 1970-1980 The production of the company gains speed during these years with the production of dispersion and mineral plasters. 1974-1975 High administration engineer Friedrich-Wilhelm Wagner and high chemical engineer Hans-Georg Wagner start working for the company. 1980 The increase in volume of production of Heat Insulation Systems allows the realization of large profits. A new facility with a plaster mixer has been established. 1990 In order to answer increasing customer demands a new production field must be constructed. A new facility is built for the production of dispersion and silicate bonding agent plasters. 1995 A marketing company is established for Industrial paints. 1996 After the markets in Eastern Europe are opened the WAGCHEM production company is established in Poland. 2000 The company increases its growth in the last few years. 2002 A branch named ""Wagner Polska"" is established in Poland. 2002-2004 Large profits are realized through customers in the Baltic republic, Russia and Romania. 2005 A factory was built in Istanbul/Turkey for the production of paints, building chemicals, ready plaster and heat insulation systems."

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