Wai Y Tan
Department of Bioinformatics and Biosystems Technology
Unilasalle University
Wai Y Tan is a tenured Research Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Memphis Memphis during 1984-1985.Meanwhile he had served as a Cancer Expert at National Cancer Inst National Inst of Health Bethesda MD. During 1990 he worked as a Visiting Prof in the Dept of Epidemiology Biostat Emory Univ School of Med Atlanta GA and a Mathematical Statistician in the Div of HIV/AIDS Centers for Disease Control Atlanta GA . During 19951996 he has also served as a Guest Researcher National Cancer Institute/NIH Bethesda MD. Dr. Tan received a PhD in mathematical statistics from University of Wisconsin Madison Wisconsin in 1964 and a MS in mathematics in 1963 In 1983 and 1989 he has received distinguished research awards by Memphis State University Memphis in 1994.In 1995 he recieved Spur Award for research by Memphis State University Memphis TN. He was elected as ASA fellow by the American Statistical Association for contributions to statistical methodology and to stochastic modeling of cancer. In 1997 he was elected member by the International Statistical Institute. Since 1989 he has served as a member of numerous study sections at least 20 for NIH AIDS grants and cancer grants. He has served as a Peer Review Member of the Special Committee for Center for AIDS Research NIAID/NIH and a Peer Review member of the Special Committee of NCI/NIH for RFA grant applications, Centers of Cancer nanotechnology Excellence. During 1999-2001 he served as a Member of the Advisory Board of Academia Sinica Taiwan ROC and during 1999-2001 an Outside Reviewer of the Medical research Council Biostatistics Unit of Cambridge University, Cambridge, England. Dr. Tan has served as a member of the Editorial board of Biology Direct and has reviewed papers for most of the important biomathematical statistical and biostatistical journals as well as Nature methods. Wai Y Tan is a tenured Research Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Memphis Memphis during 1984-1985.Meanwhile he had served as a Cancer Expert at National Cancer Inst National Inst of Health Bethesda MD. During 1990 he worked as a Visiting Prof in the Dept of Epidemiology Biostat Emory Univ School of Med Atlanta GA and a Mathematical Statistician in the Div of HIV/AIDS Centers for Disease Control Atlanta GA . During 19951996 he has also served as a Guest Researcher National Cancer Institute/NIH Bethesda MD. Dr. Tan received a PhD in mathematical statistics from University of Wisconsin Madison Wisconsin in 1964 and a MS in mathematics in 1963 In 1983 and 1989 he has received distinguished research awards by Memphis State University Memphis in 1994.In 1995 he recieved Spur Award for research by Memphis State University Memphis TN. He was elected as ASA fellow by the American Statistical Association for contributions to statistical methodology and to stochastic modeling of cancer. In 1997 he was elected member by the International Statistical Institute. Since 1989 he has served as a member of numerous study sections at least 20 for NIH AIDS grants and cancer grants. He has served as a Peer Review Member of the Special Committee for Center for AIDS Research NIAID/NIH and a Peer Review member of the Special Committee of NCI/NIH for RFA grant applications, Centers of Cancer nanotechnology Excellence. During 1999-2001 he served as a Member of the Advisory Board of Academia Sinica Taiwan ROC and during 1999-2001 an Outside Reviewer of the Medical research Council Biostatistics Unit of Cambridge University, Cambridge, England. Dr. Tan has served as a member of the Editorial board of Biology Direct and has reviewed papers for most of the important biomathematical statistical and biostatistical journals as well as Nature methods.
Research Interest
Dr. Tan has published 8 books and over 210 research papers and book chapters covering a wide range of topics of probability and statistics including Bayesian inferences, robust inferences, multivariate analysis, mathematical genetics, biostatistics, stochastic modeling of cancer, AIDS, HIV pathogenesis, cancer biostatistics and cancer risk assessment of environmental agents. His current research interests are mainly in the following areas: (1)Cancer stochastic models,(2) Cancer biostatistics,(3)Cancer risk assessment, (4) Cancer genetics, (5) Stochastic models for cancer, AIDS and infectious diseases