Kedar Singh
Atomic & Molecular Physics
Banaras Hindu University
Academic Qualifications: S. No. Degree Institution Year 1. B.Sc. M.S.J. College Bharatpur, Rajasthan 1994 2. M.Sc. University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 1997 3. Ph. D. University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 2003 Current Research Projects: S. No. Name of the Projects Duration Source of Funding Amount of Funding (Rs) 1. Synthesis and characterization of multicomponent chalcogenide glasses (P.I). 2008- 2011 UGC, New Delhi 11.82 Lacs 2. Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Doped Chalcogenide Glassy Composites (P.I) 2011- 2014 CSIR, New Delhi 15.5 Lacs 3. Study of structural relaxation in chalcogenide glasses (P.I) 2006- 2009 CSIR, New Delhi 8.0 Lacs
Research Interest
My area of specialization is in experimental condensed matter physics. We are focusing on synthesis and investigations of chalcogenide glasses and their nanomaterials, exploring the fundamental nature and properties of these materials for futuristic applications in the area of science and technology. Our research work includes: Dilute magnetic semiconducting quantum dots, Dilute magnetic thermoelectric nanomaterials, CNT doped glassy composites, Binary, ternary and multicomponent chalcogenide glasses, High temperature superconductors
Quantum Phase Transition from Superparamagnetic to Quantum Superparamagnetic State in Ultrasmall Cd1-xCr (II)xSe Quantum Dots? Weiwei Zheng, Pushpendra Kumar, Aaron Washington, Zhenxing Wang,Naresh S. Dalal, Geoffrey F. Strouse, and Kedar Singh* J . of American Chemical Society 134 (2012) 2172.
Evidence of a ZnCr2Se4 Spinel Inclusion at the Core of a Cr-Doped ZnSe Quantum Dot Weiwei Zheng, Kedar Singh, Zhenxing Wang, Joshua T. Wright, Johan van Tol, Naresh S. Dalal, Robert W. Meulenberg, and Geoffrey F. Strouse J . of American Chemical Society 134 (2012) 5577.