
Engineering Experts

Natalia Bialiaeva

Belarusian Research Centre for Electronic Records


 Education and training:    1986 graduated from Minsk Radiotechnical Institute. 1994- retraining at the Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the Council of Ministers of RB on the speciality : book-keeping and a firm financial activity. Assigned qualification: book-keeper(accountant). 1995- retraining at the Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus on the speciality: administrative (executive) assistant. Assigned qualification: administrative assistant. 2004- a methodologist, a lecturer at the department of Source studies at the History Faculty of the BSU. Upgrading: on the basis of the Republican Institute for Higher Education (Minsk). 1. Statistical analysis and data processing on a personal computer (PC). 2. The theory and methods of studying history: new educational technologies, profilisation, testing. 3. Management of the academic and methodic work at the Institutions of Higher Education. 4. Flash technologies in education. 2008-2010- retraining at the Republican Institute for Higher Education on the speciality "Economic Theory". Graduated with a diploma and an assigned qualification:" Economist. Lecturer of economic disciplines(subjects). Since 2010- a senior lecturer at the Source studies of the History Faculty of the BSU. Rewards- BSU gratitudes (2013) Scientific interests:  the history of development and organization of secretaryship (records management), administrative account, informative technologies in book-keeping. Main courses: Records Management Book-keeping

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