Nikandrov V.n.
Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank
NIKANDROV Vitaliy Nikolaevich - head of the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the BSPU. M. Tanka. NIKANDROV Vitaliy Nikolaevich (04.08.1949, Lida, Grodno region) - Doctor of Biological Sciences (1989), Professor (1995), Belarusian researcher in the field of general biochemistry, biotechnology and neurobiology. Direction of research: general biochemistry, neurocytobiology, medical biotechnology. Discipline taught is biological chemistry. VN Nikandrov published 515 scientific papers, including 55 patents for inventions. He prepared 8 candidates of science. He graduated from the Vitebsk Veterinary Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR in 1971 and postgraduate studies at the Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine. The first scientific works were published in 1970.
Research Interest