
Business & Management Experts

Beryozov Alexander Ivanovich

Deputy Director
Commercial Activities
Bio Soja Group


 The plant began with a small artel "Red Metalist", which was established in April 1946.    Immediately after the war, people began to establish an elementary way of life. In short supply there was any object of prime necessity, any household service.    The small collective of the artel produced simple products and also provided household services in a wide range: it made galoshes, nails, vulcanized cameras to cars, motorcycles, bicycles, repaired watches, charged battery batteries, repaired stoves, bicycles, typewriters, made metal containers for 3 -5 tons for liquid fuel, cast aluminum pots, made metal beds.    The collective of the artel in 1950 numbered about 40 workers, of whom "masters of all trades" are spoken.    In 1951 the artel acquired the first lathe. A small smithy was equipped.    In 1952, the artel specializes in the production of aluminum pots. In 1954, the annual volume of their output was 70 tons.    The collective of the artel did not stop there and successfully worked, fulfilling and exceeding the planned targets.    With the development of new products, the artel began to work more profitably. There were funds for the construction of new production and administrative buildings. By the end of 1955, foundries were commissioned on new squares of the artel, which specialized in producing cast iron casting.    In the new building of the machine-assembly shop, the artel began to produce beds, including fully nickel-plated, metal sleds.

Research Interest

 On December 31, 1955, by the order of the minister of the machine-tool and tool industry of the USSR, a machine tools plant was established on the basis of the "Red Metalist" artel.    The first director of the plant was assigned Astrejko Semen Semenovich . He led the artel, and then the plant from 1953 to 1961.    Before our country at that time, the task was to finally heal the wounds of the war, to ensure, on the basis of the rise of industries, the growth of people's material well-being.    Machine-building - the production of metal-cutting machine tools became increasingly important.    To equip them, they needed technological equipment: machine vice, rotary tables, lathe chucks. The mastering of the output of these products was entrusted to the Baranovichi plant of machine accessories.    The design and technological documentation, as well as the equipment, were transferred by the Leningrad plant of machine accessories. Some of the machine operators were trained in Leningrad, the rest were trained in the course of development.    The tasks for the plant's team were serious, even by today's standards. Within three months it was necessary to master the release of machine clamps P7-4. Over the next three months, master the production of another model of the grip P6-G1, and by the end of 1956 - turntable P6-61.    At the same time, the concept of development included installation and commissioning of 50 units of technological equipment with subsequent production of suitable parts in accordance with design and technological documentation.

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