Dmitry Morozov
Chief Executive Officer
BIOCAD Biotech Company
Mr. Dmitry Morozov serves as the Chief Executive Officer of CJSC BIOCAD. Mr. Morozov founded BIOCAD in 2001. He served as Deputy Chairman of the Board at CentroCredit Bank until 1990’s. Mr. Morozov is a member of the Council for the Development of Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry of the Russian Government. He is among the individuals (top 500) included into the High-Potential Management Personnel Reserve under the auspices of the Russian President. Mr. Morozov is also a member of the Work Team of the Scientific and Coordinating Council for the Federal Targeted Program “Research and Development in Priority Areas of Development of the Russian Scientific and Technological Complex for 2007-2012” for the priority area “Living Systems”. He co-authored the concept of Pharma 2020 - Governmental program for development of Russian pharmaceutical industry. Under the Presidential Program, he was training in the Keio Business School of the Keio University in 2004. From 1997 to 1998, he attended the course of Banking and Finance at the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics (Moscow) and earned the qualification of economist. He graduated from the Faculty of Radio Engineering at the State Academy of Consumer Goods and Services (Moscow).
Research Interest
Finance and Accounting, Banking, Radio Engineering, Research and Development etc.