Alexander Grinchuk
IPM Business School, Belarus
Candidate of Science, Associate Professor, Center "Higher School of Business", IBMT BSU. Since 2005 he has been teaching at the Institute of Business and Management of Technologies of the Belarusian State University (MBA program, Belarusian-Norwegian program "Logistics"). Candidate of Science, Associate Professor, Center "Higher School of Business", IBMT BSU. In 2005-2006 he headed the retraining program "Web-design". Author of 5 manuals and several dozen articles on work in MS Office and statistical data processing. More than 15 years of experience working on retraining and corporate training programs. Author and developer of unique multimedia courses. In addition, he specializes in business statistics and business intelligence. I completed a full training course at BaseGroup Labs, one of Russia's leading providers of software products and solutions for data analysis, the only certified specialist in the Republic of Belarus on BaseGroup Labs products and their use in business analysis. I took part in large projects of the company. Author of training courses on this topic.
Research Interest
Business and Management