Marina Kozhurova
IPM Business School, Belarus
Internships and training: • Certificate of the highest level in professional sales management, Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK, 2013. • Certified business trainer (School of Business Trainers Z. Zavyalova, Moscow, 2012). • Certified Coach ICC - International Coaching Community Certified Coach, 2012. • Professional Certification in Management / CertMgmt, The Open University, 2010. • Training Curriculum Managers, IEDC - Bled School of Management (Slovenia), 2008. Marina Kozhurova is a business coach and developer programs: - "Technologies of effective sales and negotiation" - "Telemarketing: telesales of goods and services" - "How to write a" talking "business proposal" - "client intercept strategy in a highly competitive environment" - "Client-centered approach in business and the basis of client-oriented communication" - "How to make a dissatisfied client a supporter of the company" - "Conflict Management" - "Stress Management" Corporate projects for 2014-2015. - LLC Belspetsagrotrans, PO Belorusneft, LLC Fournitop, LLC Vnenshneeconomicheskaya leasing company, Krafttrans LLC, ZAO Bank VTB, OJSC Belgazprombank, SOOO Avtotrakmotors, OOO Komint.
Research Interest
Specialization in the following areas: - Sales; - Management of communication; - Work with internal and external customers.