Business & Management

Business & Management Experts

Sergey Gvozdev

IPM Business School, Belarus


 Ph.D., MBA, since 2008. - Head of Goldratt Schools Ukraine. He studied at international programs Goldratt Schools (Israel), IESE (University of Navarra, Barcelona), OWZ Consulting Center (Munich, Germany) and Business School of Wein University (Detroit, USA), conducts classes in business schools in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Russia and the United States. Conducts courses of operational management and logistics, as well as a course on the management of innovative projects, conducts corporate seminars and trainings on the organization and management of the movement of products through supply chains. The main direction of work is connected with the introduction of management methods based on the Theory of Constraints (TOC).

Research Interest

 Business, Economics, Logistics

Global Experts from Belarus

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