General Science

General Science Experts

Michail Zhemzhurov

Head of the Laboratory
Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny


 The Laboratory was founded in 1986 by corresponding member of NAS of Belarus V. Nesterenko to develop nuclear-physical methods of diagnostics of the coolant fluids and the cores of nuclear reactors. Then research in the lab has been reoriented to develop methods of decontamination a radioactive waste. Heads of laboratories have been a corresponding member of the NAS of Belarus V. Nesterenko, then Ph.D. G. Petukhov, Ph.D. A. Gvozdev. Currently, the laboratory headed by Dr. M. Zhemzhurov.

Research Interest

  development of methods for rehabilitation of the environment contaminated with radioactive wastes, scientific foundations of environmental measures, methodology, safety analysis of near-surface disposal facilities of radioactive waste, strategy for radioactive waste disposal; study patterns of migration of radioactive contaminants from local and area sources; development and improvement of methods to determine the content of radionuclides in the environment development of nuclear-physical methods of diagnostics of the nuclear reactor core.

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