Vitaliy Solovyev
Head of the Laboratory
Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny
He is head of Laboratory at Radiation and Energy Technology Research. Research of radionuclides interaction in solid and gaseous phases during pyrolysis, gasification and burning of biofuel and local types of fuel contaminated by radionuclides of Chernobyl origin. Investigation of formation mechanism of radioactive dispersion-aerosole inclusions in waste gases while thermochemical processing of solid types of fuel and waste contaminated by radionuclides; investigation of waste gases purification. Study of radiation characteristics of fuel combustion installations, ash waste and activity release into environment during utilization of biofuel and local types of fuel contaminated by radionuclides at power facilities of the Republic of Belarus. Justification of ash waste and solid combustible radioactive NPP waste management technologies including thermochemical reprocessing, waste conditioning and gases purification.
Research Interest
State program for scientific research «Power Engineering, Nuclear and Radiation Technologies” - study of radiation indicators and working out of the elements of technologies for safe burning of peat and fuel compositions contaminated by radionuclides at power and heat generating installations; - development and justification of procedures on reduction of emission of radionuclides with combustion gases into the environment while burning of local fuels contaminated by radionuclides at industrial and power facilities of the Republic of Belarus and cost reduction on ash waste management.