Dr. Heinz Schwer
Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Schwer served three years as CEO of Lanthio Pharma B.V., a Dutch drug development company that was acquired by MorphoSys AG. He led the company’s effort in advancing its therapeutic program from pre-clinical into clinical stage. Before his time at Lanthio, Dr. Schwer was Senior Director at MorphoSys AG from 2010 until 2014. In this period he served as strategic technology advisor and head of “Innovation Capital”, the company’s corporate venture business. Prior to this position, he was co-founder and CEO of Sloning , a biotech company that became market leader in generating recombinant gene libraries for pharma and industrial biotech. Throughout his career, Dr. Schwer has been involved in numerous M&A transactions and helped to raise over EUR 40m capital through private and public offerings. Dr. Schwer received his PhD in clinical chemistry from University of Regensburg, was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School at the Beth Israel Hospital and Dana-Faber Cancer Institute and holds an MBA from Henley Management College, UK.
Research Interest