
Chemistry Experts

Bildyukevich Alexander Viktorovich



He graduated from the Belarusian State University (1978). From 1978 to 1987 in the Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University. Since 1987, the Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: in 1988-2004. Head of the Laboratory, since 2004, Director of the Institute  

Research Interest

  Scientific works in the field of physical chemistry and chemistry of high-molecular compounds. He carried out fundamental studies of membrane mass transfer and proposed a new approach to the description of the ultrafiltration process, taking into account the physicochemical interactions of polymeric membranes with the components of the solution being separated. He formulated and experimentally confirmed the general principles of the formation of porous permeable structures using the immersion method of molding. He proposed a mechanism for the formation of the structure of a selective layer of ultrafiltration membranes, on the basis of which general approaches and techniques for obtaining ultra- and microfiltration membranes from various polymers have been unified. He developed the scientific basis for surface modification of ultrafiltration membranes by nonionic polymers and polyelectrolytes, interfacial polycondensation of polyamines of various structures and aromatic carboxylic acid chlorides. He created a scientific and technical base for the development of membrane technologies in Belarus and organized pilot production of micro- and ultrafiltration membranes, membrane elements, industrial membrane plants of various capacities and purpose. He developed membrane processes for purification, sterilization and fractionation of solutions of biologically active substances, processing of dairy products, clarification of juices and wines, wastewater treatment, etc., modern energy-saving technologies and equipment for water treatment in large heat power engineering, based on capillary membranes. He created a scientific and technical base for the development of membrane technologies in Belarus and organized pilot-industrial production of micro- and ultrafiltration membranes, membrane elements, industrial membrane plants of various capacities and purpose. He developed membrane processes for purification, sterilization and fractionation of solutions of biologically active substances, processing of dairy products, clarification of juices and wines, wastewater treatment, etc., modern energy-saving technologies and equipment for water treatment in large heat power engineering, based on capillary membranes. He created a scientific and technical base for the development of membrane technologies in Belarus and organized pilot production of micro- and ultrafiltration membranes, membrane elements, industrial membrane plants of various capacities and purpose. He developed membrane processes for purification, sterilization and fractionation of solutions of biologically active substances, processing of dairy products, clarification of juices and wines, wastewater treatment, etc., modern energy-saving technologies and equipment for water treatment in large heat power engineering, based on capillary membranes. Industry award of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus in the field of science and technology in 2002. Author of more than 280 scientific works, incl. 37 copyright certificates and patents

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