Sakovich Alexander Viktorovich
Deputy Director
RDASP "Stravita"
Belarusian State Economic University. Specialty - accounting, analysis and audit. Qualification is an economist. Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus. Specialty is the state management of the national economy. Qualification - specialist in public administration In the field of insurance since 2000. From 2000 to 2006 he worked in the positions of economist, deputy chief accountant and chief accountant of the representation of Belgosstrakh. From 2006 to 2007 he worked in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus in the position of chief inspector-inspector of the main department of insurance supervision. From 2007 to 2015, he oversaw the development of insurance activities, working in the Office of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus in the posts of chief adviser, deputy head, then head of the financial relations department and the first deputy head of the main economic management.
Research Interest
The first deputy director conducts issues: settlement of losses including coordination of work on accounting and analysis of payments made; marketing and advertising, including the organization of marketing research, monitoring and diagnosis of potential markets for the sale of insurance services; development, harmonization and implementation of insurance rules; implementation of a unified technical policy in the provision of computer facilities, system and application software; ideological, socio-political activity of the enterprise.