
Food & Nutrition Experts

Carlos Eduardo Lisboa

Zone President Latin America South
food and beverages industry


Carlos Eduardo Lisboa is our Zone President Latin America South. Carlos is a Brazilian citizen and received a Degree in Business Administration from the Catholic University of Pernambuco and a Marketing specialization from FESP, both in Brazil. Carlos joined Ambev in 1993 and has built his career in Marketing and Sales. He was responsible for building the Skol brand in Brazil in 2001 and after that became Marketing Vice President for our Latin America North Zone. Carlos then led the International Business Unit in our Latin America South Zone for two years prior to becoming Business Unit President for Canada. In 2015, he was appointed Marketing Vice President for our Global Brands.

Research Interest

Carlos Eduardo Lisboa is our Zone President Latin America South. Carlos is a Brazilian citizen and received a Degree in Business Administration from the Catholic University of Pernambuco and a Marketing specialization from FESP, both in Brazil. Carlos joined Ambev in 1993 and has built his career in Marketing and Sales. He was responsible for building the Skol brand in Brazil in 2001 and after that became Marketing Vice President for our Latin America North Zone. Carlos then led the International Business Unit in our Latin America South Zone for two years prior to becoming Business Unit President for Canada. In 2015, he was appointed Marketing Vice President for our Global Brands.

Global Experts from Belgium

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